
Discover our mission to honor and support veterans, first responders, and their families.

A Snapshot

At Eyes Front, our values of compassion, respect, and integrity guide everything we do. We are dedicated to empowering veterans, and vulnerable communities by providing programs and initiatives that address critical challenges. Through collaboration, inclusivity, and a steadfast commitment to service, we strive to create a meaningful impact and foster a stronger, more connected community.

  • Bedding & Essential Support for Homeless

    We provide bedding for those who have gone into transitional housing off the street (they are still classified homeless). Rough sleepers get sleeping bags, blankets, socks, scarves, beanies, t-shirts, jumpers, jackets, jocks, tracksuit pants, and whatever else we can get our hands on. We also take ice blocks down to Woolloomooloo a notorious area for the homeless – especially during summer. We do this as it allows us to talk to them, make them feel visible, and to assess their situation.

  • Collaborative Social Impact Projects

    We organise social impact project partnering with other organisations to get mutual benefits. It is a well known and evidenced fact that helping others improves your mental health. In November 2019, we had a working-bee for social housing homes.

  • Public Speaking Training for Vulnerable Groups

    We provide training for vulnerable populations and those with lived experience to enable them to do public speaking; and assist them to get speaking gigs that are paid, as a source of income stream for them.

  • Wellness Leaders Scholarship Program

    The Wellness Leaders Scholarship Program – recipients are given a scholarship for a year and we ask them to take the things we teach them back into community to spread good will. They are all asked to pick something they are passionate about and do one big project for the year to improve the wellness of vulnerable populations.

  • Our Work

    Eyes Front Ltd is a public benevolent institution formed to relieve poverty, distress and helplessness for those in our community in need of assistance. Our efforts are targeted toward returned service men and women and their families, the homeless, and children and adolescence. We aim to address the following needs and issues faced by and suffered by these groups including but not limited to:

    • Mental illness, depression
    • Social anxiety
    • Substance misuse and abuse;
    • Hunger and a lack of basic needs such as food, clothing and blankets;
    • The transition to civilian life for ex-service people;

    The Board

    Introducing our Board – each member brings a wealth of experience and a passion for social justice with a focus on the veteran community.

    Kelliegh Jackson

    Kelliegh Jackson completed a 22 + year career in the ADF in 2018. Her passion is to create informed, aware, and safe peer support communities, and to make sure everyone has the knowledge to change lives.

    In 2019 Kelliegh founded Eyes Front Ltd, and The International Institute of First Responders and Peer Support. This was in response to the abundance of choice and confusion across the charitable sector, need to bring these organisations together in collective impact communities, and to increase access to information to empower communities and individuals to survive, thrive and prosper.

    Laura Napier

    Laura Napier has worked in Corporate Finance for more than 21 years. Her passion is to positively change the lives of more than 100,000 people.

    Laura has worked in a wide range of global financial corporations for more than 25 years, whilst studying, qualifying and practicing as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner and Time Line Therapist. Her exposure to all levels of the Corporate world has resulted in an innate ability to understand the intricacies of human behavior and to support those around her to overcome barriers to success.

    Jess Leonard

    Jessica is a veteran, who served five years in the Australian Army.

    Noticing how many veterans were struggling with navigating claims, transition and life after service, upon discharge Jessica started acting as an advocate for current and former serving members. Having a family and understanding the complexity of life whilst struggling with injuries and raising children, Jessica wanted to make sure she linked as many veterans to the support available through legislation and welfare support agencies. Jessica has been an advocate and helping veterans with additional welfare in a volunteer capacity since 2014.

    To ensure veterans and their families were empowered to make their own decisions, Jessica started a veteran forum Facebook group called Veterans First Australia, where she shares information, stories and insight. Jessica is experienced with all acts. She is a part of a large and experienced community of practice to ensure each and everyone of her claims achieves the best outcome for the veteran and their family, possible.

    Her passion is to assist Veterans and to ensure they have all the entitlements and support possible to make their life better.

    Wellness Leaders Program

    We are a global community leading the way the world approaches wellbeing.

    We believe everyone should have access to the knowledge that changes lives.

    Our vision: Despite having one of the better healthcare systems in the world, and one of the highest standards of living, many Australians still experience isolation, mental and emotional distress. Neither Government nor specialists alone can solve theses problems. A large percentage of Australian’s report feelings of loneliness, and isolation leading to increased likelihood of suffering a mental illness as a result of prolonged isolation. We’re here to change that. Our vision is a world where community works collaboratively to increase the wellbeing of all of its members regardless of difference.

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    Adaptive Snow Sports Program

    From 24 Jan to 5 Feb 2020 Eyes Front, in collaboration with Vancouver Island Society for Adaptive Snow Sports and SoldierOn Canada, conducted a Wellness Leaders Program for six female veterans who were selected to attend.

    The program was designed to be individually beneficial to their wellness and recovery, to encourage participation in adaptive snow sports, and help attendees to complete the Wellness Leadership Program.

    An event is planned for 2022, pending the international COVID situation, so stay tuned for more information. Male and Female veterans may apply.

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